13. My Fair Lady - As much as I love Audrey Hepburn and flashy hats, I really can't stand this movie. It's big and bloated and obvious and she doesn't do her own singing and did I mention it's long? I don't have anything against Rex Harrison, and he's fine as the professor trying to teach Hepburn's street urchin how to act like a lady. The director, George Cukor goes way back, he did the 1933 version of Little Women (with Katharine Hepburn) along with Sylvia Scarlett, The Philadelphia Story, Gaslight, Adam's Rib, Born Yesterday and the Judy garland version of A Star Is Born.
12. Robin And The 7 Hoods - A Rat Pack mob epic (and Robin hood adaptatio) starring the usual suspects (Sinatra, Martin, Davis) along with Peter Falk, Bing Crosby, Tony Randall and Edward G. Robinson. It's nowhere near as fun as Ocean's Eleven (the original, of course) and it's way too long, but it isn't terrible. The director, Gordon Douglas also directed the Unseen sequel In Like Flint, a film that was a major contributor to my irrational fear of insects: the giant ant classic Them!, and a whole lot of B movies going back to the mid-30s.
11. A Shot In The Dark - I probably shouldn't count this, because the only time I've seen it was an old print that had faded to the point everything was pretty much pink. But what the hell, it is a Pink Panther movie, after all. Peter Sellers plays Inspector Clouseau, the clumsy detective who bumbles his way to solving a crime. Sellers is predictably hilarious as he tries to prove that Elke Summer did not commit the murder everyone else thinks she did. Also stars the very great George Sanders (Rebecca, All About Eve) and Tracy Reed, who is also in another film on this list. Can you guess which one?

8. Gertrud - Director Carl Theodor Dreyer's last film was a flop in it's time (it's easy to see why) and has only recently been rehabilitated into classic status. Jonathan Rosenbaum has written glowingly about and, and while I can't say I agree with him, it certainly is an interesting film. I wrote about it here and I can't say my opinion has changed in the last month. It's a weird, beautiful, intense, exasperating, alienating and, most would say, dreadfully dull film.
7. A Fistful Of Dollars - The first Clint Eastwood-Sergio Leone Western is a blatant ripoff of Akira Kurosawa's samurai Western Yojimbo, so much so that Kurosawa actually sued and won against Leone. Based, like the other film, loosely on Dashiell Hammett's Red Harvest (an entirely different genre of novel from either film), Eastwood plays a drifter who wanders into a violent mess of a town being torn apart by two rival gangs. He proceeds to get himself in-between both groups and play one against the other until they tear each other and the town apart. It's a fine film, but doesn't hold a candle to either Yojimbo or Leone's later epics.

5. Marnie - Perhaps Alfred Hitchcock's most disturbing film is this story of a frigid kleptomaniac woman and the man who loves her, blackmails her, rapes her and forces her to re-experience the childhood trauma that screwed her up in the first place. A lot of Hitchcock's films are expressions of his own neuroses, especially his obsession with blonde women, but this one, with it's sadistic treatment of Tippi Hedren's lead character, combined with what is rumored to be Hitchcock's real-life stalking of Hedren make the film truly perverse. Sean Connery, in an odd comment of his by then famous and misogynistic James Bond persona plays Marnie's husband, who forces her to resolve her issues, among other things.
4. Zulu - One of my all-time favorite war films is this true story of a small band of british troops surrounded by the entire Zulu army. All day and all night they have to hold there fort against the Zulus, despite being outnumbered 4,000 to 140. Michael Caine plays the wholly inexperienced dandy of a commanding officer, who because of seniority cedes command to Stanley Baker's passing engineer. Ulla Jacobson, from Bergman's Smiles Of A Summer Night plays the daughter of a minister who tries to convince them all to run away. Though the Zulus are portrayed more as a mass than as individual characters, it'd be hard to argue that the film doesn't treat them or their cause (the expelling of foreign invaders) unjustly. Director Cy Endfield was a victim of the McCarthy blacklist and moved to England to find work.

1. Dr. Strangelove - One of my all-time favorite films of any genre is this Stanley Kubrick film about the inevitability and hilarity of nuclear apocalypse. Peter Sellers, of course, is brilliant in a triple role as the eponymous doctor, the ineffective president and the British officer who almost saves the day. Sterling Hayden plays a lunatic general who launches a nuclear strike on the USSR because he's convinced a case of impotence was caused by the communist water fluoridation scheme. Slim Pickens plays the pilot of a B-52 who doesn't get the mission abort code and ends up destroying the world. Rumor is that Kubrick didn't bother to tell Pickens that the movie was a satire and had him play the whole thing straight. true or not, it certainly works. James Earl Jones plays one of Pickens's flight crew, Keenan Wynn has a great little role as a soldier who's a big fan of the Coca-cola corporation, but George C. Scott gives my favorite performance in the film as General Buck Turgidson, the gung ho commander terrified the Russians might see The Big Board. This is what satire is supposed to be: a scathing indictment of the lunacy of Cold War decision-making and paranoia that's as funny and disturbing as it is persuasive.
A lot of great Unseen movies this year as 1964 appears to be another great year for films in general. I've got the new Masters Of Cinema DVD of Kwaidan on the way from the UK, should be here any day now.
A Hard Day's Night
Zorba The Greek
Seven Days In May

Hush. . . Hush, Sweet Charlotte
The Night Of The Iguana
The Pawnbroker
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
The Gospel According To St. Matthew
The Masque Of The Red Death
Woman In The Dunes
Diary Of A Chambermaid
The Killers
The Red Desert
I Am Cuba
7 Faces Of Dr. Lao
The Soft Skin
Cheyanne Autumn
Very nice movies. I will find everything related and it'll be better if you can add some characteristics about those movies. How many directors can do the same work?