Watched Brothers Grimm last night. I was disappointed. It's well down. The actors are good. The story is fairly interesting. There just isn't anything more there. It reminded me quite a bit of Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow, another well-made, good-looking movie that I felt just didn't have any reason to exist. It feels like important parts of this film are missing, which is very possible. Terry Gilliam's set a very high standard for his films, and this is easily the worst one I've seen.
A couple days ago, I watched Spider-Man 2. It was good, but not as good as the first one. Just about what you'd expect I guess. I'm annoyed that they basically just recycled the conflicts of the first movie. Peter has issues with the responsibility of being a superhero, and committing to the hot girl. A scientist he likes and admires is twisted into a supervillain against his will. If they make a third one, it could potentially be the best of the three, what with a villain with a different motive (Peter's friend chooses to become the Hobgoblin in order to get revenge), and with (hopefully) the resolution of the inane Mary Jane-Peter conflict.

Felix Herndandez finally gave up an extra-base hit. Three of them in fact. But 8 Ks and 1 walk over seven innings, with only 3 runs allowed is nothing to sneeze at.
36 IP 23 H 8 R 7 ER 2 HR 5 BB 38 K 1.75 ERA
Wednesday night, The King takes on The Big Unit at Safeco. If you watch one Mariner games this year, this should be it.
And this is hilarious.
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